Pompeiiinpictures plan of this Insula showing the entrances.
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IX.7.1 Taberna delle quattro divinità or House of Venus and the Four Gods (Apollo, Jupiter, Mercury and Diana)
IX.7.2 Workshop of a tenant of Coniunctus
IX.7.3 House of the Sittii Pompeiani or House of P. Sittius Coniunctus
IX.7.4 Shop
IX.7.5 Workshop of Verecundus. Linked to IX.7.6 House of Verecundus and IX.7.7
IX.7.6 House of Verecundus. Linked to IX.7.5 and IX.7.7
IX.7.7 Shop. Linked to IX.7.5 and IX.7.6
IX.7.8 Shop
IX.7.9 House of Popidius Montanus
IX.7.10 Shop
IX.7.11 Shop
IX.7.12 House of Polyphemus and Galatea. Haus dem Polyphem und der Galathea
IX.7.13 Thermopolium
IX.7.14 Rear entrance to an unexcavated property?
IX.7.15 Cella meretricia, under steps to upper floor
IX.7.16 House of A. Virnius Modestus or Casa del Cavallo Troiano
IX.7.17 Steps to upper floor over latrine and cella meretricia
IX.7.18 Shop and rear room, communicating with IX.7.19 Casa dello Specchio or House of the Mirror
IX.7.19 Casa dello Specchio or House of the Mirror
IX.7.20 Casa degli Archi or House of the Arches or House of Caprasius Felix and Fortunata or Casa della Fortuna
IX.7.21 Caupona of Tertius. Linked to IX.7.22
IX.7.22 Caupona of Tertius. Linked to IX.7.21
IX.7.23 Caupona of T Claudius Epaphroditus
IX.7.24 Thermopolium. Linked to IX.7.25 Thermopolium, Popina, Hospitium of MM. Fabii Memor and Celer
IX.7.25 Thermopolium, Popina, Hospitium of MM. Fabii Memor and Celer. Linked to IX.7.24
IX.7.26 Caupona or Brothel of Fabius Memor